Refereed Papers |
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- Effect of double or single bonding in C-H stretching signal propagation in organic molecules. A computational study
Germán Miño-Galaz, Juan Pablo Staforelli, Gonzalo Gutiérrez
Chemical Physics Letters 714, 178-184 (2019)
- Configurational temperature in constrained systems: the case of spin dynamics
Gonzalo Gutiérrez, Sergio Davis, Guillermo Palma
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 51, 455003 (2018)
DOI: - Probabilistic Inference for Dynamical Systems
Sergio Davis, Diego González, Gonzalo Gutiérrez
Entropy 20(9), 696, 1-11 (2018)
DOI: - Temperature is not an observable in superstatistics
Sergio Davis, Gonzalo Gutiérrez
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 505, 864-870, (2018)
DOI: - Tensile behavior of Cu 50 Zr 50 metallic glass nanowire with a B2 crystalline precipitate,
Matías Sepúlveda-Macías, Nicolás Amigo, Gonzalo Gutiérrez
Physica B: Condensed Matter 531, 64-69 (2018)
DOI: - Expectation values of general observables in the Vlasov formalism,
D González, A Tamburrini, S Davis, J Jain, G Gutiérrez
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1043 (1), 012008 (2018) - Melting curve of Si by means of the Z-method,
F González-Cataldo, F Corvacho, G Gutiérrez
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1043 (1), 012038 (2018) - Normal Modes in Graphene for Different Geometries,
G Cáceres, F González-Cataldo, G Gutiérrez
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1043 (1), 012041 (2018) - Implications of Superstatistics for steady-state plasmas,
S Davis, J Jain, D González, G Gutiérrez
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1043 (1), 012011 (2018) - Strain rate and temperature effect on Zr50Cu50 metallic glass under pure shear,
M Sepúlveda–Macías, G Gutiérrez, F Lund
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1043 (1), 012040 (2018)
- Probabilistic Inference for Dynamical Systems
Sergio Davis, Gonzalo Gutiérrez,
Preprints 2018, 2018050028
URL: - Origin of the anomalous semiconducting behaviour in dense lithium
Mauricio A Flores, Gonzalo Gutiérrez,
arXiv:1802.08985 (2018)
- Martensitic transformation to monoclinic phase in bulk B2–CuZr,
Nicolás Amigo, Matías Sepúlveda-Macías, Gonzalo Gutiérrez
Intermetallics 91, 16-21 (2017)
DOI: - Sliding down an arbitrary curve in the presence of friction, <----- Editor Pick!
Felipe González-Cataldo, Gonzalo Gutiérrez, Julio Yáñez
American Journal of Physics 85, 108 (2017)
- Emergence of Tsallis statistics as a consequence of invariance,
Sergio Davis, Gonzalo Gutiérrez,
arXiv:1703.03361 (2017)
URL: - Microcanonical Monte Carlo approach for computing melting curves by atomistic simulations,
Sergio Davis, Gonzalo Gutiérrez,
arXiv:1703.05992 (2017)
- Melting curve of SiO2 at multimegabar pressures: implications for gas giants and super-Earths,
Felipe González-Cataldo, Sergio Davis, Gonzalo Gutiérrez
Scientific Reports 6, Article number: 26537 (2016) (free download)
DOI: - Ensemble-free configurational temperature for spin systems,
Guillermo Palma, Gonzalo Gutiérrez, Sergio Davis
Phys. Rev. E 94, 062113 (2016)
DOI: - Onset of plasticity and its relation to atomic structure in CuZr metallic glass nanowire: a molecular dynamics study,
Matías Sepúlveda-Macías, Nicolás Amigo, Gonzalo Gutiérrez
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 655, 357-363 (2016)
DOI: - A Bayesian Interpretation of First-Order Phase Transitions,
Sergio Davis, Joaquín Peralta, Yasmín Navarrete, Diego González, Gonzalo Gutiérrez
Foundations of Physics 46, Issue 3, pp 350-359, (2016)
DOI: - Temperature estimators in computer simulation,
César Jara, Felipe González-Cataldo, Sergio Davis, Gonzalo Gutiérrez
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 720, 012003 (2016)
DOI: (free download) - Z method calculations to determine the melting curve of silica at high pressures,
Felipe González-Cataldo, Sergio Davis, Gonzalo Gutiérrez
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 720, 012032 (2016)
DOI: (free download) - Hilda Cid: physicist, crystallographer, structural biologist ,
Gonzalo Gutiérrez
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 720, 012058 (2016)
DOI: (free download) - Applications of the divergence theorem in Bayesian inference and MaxEnt,
Sergio Davis, Gonzalo Gutiérrez
AIP Conf. Proc. 1757, 020002 (2016)
DOI: (free download)
- Mechanical properties of irradiated nanowires – A molecular dynamics study,
Emilio Figueroa, Diego Tramontina, Gonzalo Gutiérrez, Eduardo Bringa
Journal of Nuclear Materials 467, 677-682 (2015)
DOI: (free download) - Hydrogen bonds and asymmetrical heat diffusion in α-helices. A computational analysis,
Germán A. Miño-Galaz, Gonzalo Gutiérrez
Chemical Physics Letters 635, 16–22 (2015)
DOI: (free download)
- Characterization of the axial plasma shock in a table top plasma focus after the pinch and its possible application to testing materials for fusion reactors ,
Leopoldo Soto, Cristian Pavez, José Moreno, María José Inestrosa-Izurieta, Felipe Veloso, Gonzalo Gutiérrez, Julio Vergara, Alejandro Clausse, Horacio Bruzzone, Fermín Castillo, and Luis F. Delgado-Aparicio
Physics of Plasmas 21, 122703 , 1-6 pp (2014)
DOI: - Pressure-induced structural transition in amorphous GeO2: a molecular dynamics simulation ,
Joaquín Peralta, Gonzalo Gutiérrez
European Physical Journal B 87:257, 9 pp (2014)
DOI: - Buckling of Cu-Zr based metallic glasses nanowires: molecular dynamics study of surface effects ,
Javier Wachter, Gonzalo Gutiérrez, Alejandro Zúñiga, Rodrigo Palma
Journal of Materials Science 49, Issue 23, pp 8051-8056(2014)
DOI - Hydrogen Bonds and Heat Diffusion in α-Helices. A Computational Study,
Germán Miño, Raúl Barriga, Gonzalo Gutiérrez,
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 118, 10025 (2014)
DOI: - Newtonian Dynamics from the principle of Maximum Caliber,
Diego González, Sergio Davis, Gonzalo Gutiérrez,
Foundations of Physics 44, 923-931 (2014)
DOI - A maximum entropy model for opinions in social groups,
Sergio Davis, Yasmín Navarrete, Gonzalo Gutiérrez,
European Physical Journal B 87, 87:78 pp.1-7(2014) |arxiv
DOI - Atomistic simulation of single crystal copper nanowires under tensile stress: Influence of silver impurities in the emission of dislocations,
Nicolás Amigo, Gonzalo Gutiérrez, Miguel Ignat
Computational Materials Science 87, 76-82 (2014)
DOI - Antecedents and perspectives on the development of nuclear energy in Chile,
Gonzalo Gutiérrez,
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 511, 012089, 8 pages (2014)
See also:
Inaugural Speech at the 15th International Congress on Plasma Physics (ICPP2010) & 13th Latin American Workshop on Plasma Physics (LAWPP2010), Santiago, Chile, 8–13 August 2010.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 511, 011003, 3 pages (2014)
DOI–6596/511/1/011003 - Effect of Silver Impurities on the Mechanical Behavior of Copper Nanowires: an Atomistic Simulation,
N. Amigo, G. Gutiérrez, S. Davis, A. Valencia, M. Ignat,
in Downstream Fabrication and Applications/Recycling and Waste Management Vol.6, Proceedings of International Copper Conference 2013, printed 2014;
Editors: J. Leibrandt, M. Ignat, M. Sánchez, (2014).
- Bayesian inference as a tool for analysis of first-principles calculations of complex materials: an application to the melting point of Ti2GaN,
Sergio Davis, Gonzalo Gutiérrez,
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 21, 075001 (2013).
DOI - Effect of mutation at the interface of Trp-repressor dimeric protein: a steered molecular dynamics simulation,
Germán Miño, Mauricio Baéz, Gonzalo Gutiérrez,
European Biophysics Journal 42, 683-690, (2013).
DOI - Hypervelocity impact of copper nano-projectiles on copper ,
Nicolás Amigo, Claudia Loyola, Sergio Davis, Gonzalo Gutiérrez,
Computational Materials Science 68, 245–254 (2013).
DOI: - Estimation of Tsallis' q-index in non-extensive systems,
Sergio Davis, Gonzalo Gutiérrez,
AIP Conf. Proc. 1558, 1779 (2013).
- Conjugate variables in continuous maximum-entropy inference ,
Sergio Davis, Gonzalo Gutiérrez,
Physical Review E 86, 051136 (2012).
DOI: - Inelastic Collisions and Hypervelocity Impacts at Nanoscopic Level: A Molecular Dynamics Study, ,
Gonzalo Gutiérrez, Sergio Davis, Claudia Loyola, Joaquín Peralta, Felipe González, Yasmín Navarrete, Felipe González-Wasaff,
Molecular Dynamics - Theoretical Developments and Applications in Nanotechnology and Energy, Chapter 12 (2012) ISBN: 978-953-51-0443-8.
- Structural, elastic, vibrational, and electronic properties of amorphous Al2O3 from ab-initio calculations ,
Sergio Davis, Gonzalo Gutiérrez,
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 23, 495401 (2011). - First-principles calculations of the thermal stability of Ti3SiC2(0001) surfaces ,
Walter Orellana, Gonzalo Gutiérrez,
Surface Science 605, 2087–2091 (2011).
- Structural and dynamical properties of the Cu46Zr54 alloy in crystalline, amorphous and liquid state: A molecular dynamic study ,
Camilo Valencia, Claudia Loyola, Jorge Osorio-Guillén, Gonzalo Gutiérrez,
Physica B 405, 4970–4977 (2010). - Onset of failure in solid argon by the effect of a shockwave: a molecular dynamics study ,
Claudia Loyola, Sergio Davis, Joaquín Peralta, Gonzalo Gutiérrez,
Computational Materials Science 49, 582-587 (2010);
DOI: - Computer simulation study of amorphous compounds: structural and vibrational properties,
Gonzalo Gutiérrez, Eduardo Menéndez-Proupin, Claudia Loyola, Joaquín Peralta, Sergio Davis,
Journal of Materials Science 45, 5124–5134 (2010);
DOI: - Atomistic study of vibrational properties of γ-Al2O3 ,
Claudia Loyola, Eduardo Menéndez-Proupin, Gonzalo Gutiérrez,
Journal of Materials Science 45, 5094–5100 (2010);
2009 and previous years
Ab initio molecular dynamics study of amorphous CdTeOx alloys: Structural properties ,
E. Menéndez-Proupin, P. Giannozzi, J. Peralta, and G. Gutiérrez,
Physical Review B 79, 014205 (2009).Analysis and Projections of Physics in Chile,
L. Soto, M. Zambra, M Loewe, G.Gutiérrez, M. Molina, F. Barra, F. Lund, C. Saavedra, and P. Haberle,
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 134, 012052 (2008).Dynamical behaviour of two Interacting Dipoles,
C. Cortés, P. Vargas, G.Gutiérrez, and D. Laroze
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 134, 012016 (2008).Dynamics of a rotating particle under a time-dependent potential: exact quantum solution from the classical action,
D. Laroze, G. Gutiérrez, R. Rivera, and J. M. Yáñez,
Physica Scripta 78, 015009 (2008).Structural and vibrational properties of amorphous GeO2: a molecular dynamics study,
J. Peralta, G. Gutiérrez, and J. Rogan,
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 20, 145215 (2008).Dynamics of two Interacting Dipoles,
D. Laroze, P. Vargas, C. Cortés, and G. Gutiérrez,
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 320, 1440-1448 (2008).Nonhydrostatic compression of bismuth to 222 GPa: some constraints on elasticity of the bcc-phase,
A. K. Singh, E. Menéndez-Proupin, G. Gutiérrez, Y. Akahama and H. Kawamura,
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 67, 2192-2196 (2006)Solitonic elliptical solutions in the classical XY model,
R. Ferrer, J. Rogan, S. Davis, and G. Gutiérrez,
Physica B 384, 236-238 (2006)Ab initio study of Ti3Si0.5Ge0.5C2 under pressure,
W. Orellana, G. Gutiérrez, E. Menéndez-Proupin, J. Rogan, G. García, B. Manoun, S. Saxena,
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 67, 2149-2153 (2006).Elastic properties of the bcc structure of Bismuth at high pressure,
G. Gutiérrez, E. Menéndez-Proupin, and A. K. Sing
Journal of Applied Physics 99, 103504 (2006).Electronic properties of bulk γ-alumina,
E. Menéndez-Proupin and G. Gutiérrez,
Physical Review B 72, 035116 (2005) (published 14 July 2005).Dynamic properties of a classical anisotropic Heisenberg chain under external magnetic field,
S. Davis and G. Gutiérrez,
Physica B 355, 1-8 (2005).Electronic Structure of binary and ternary Cd-Te-O compounds,
E. Menéndez-Proupin, G. Gutiérrez, E. Palmero, and J. L. Peña
Physical Review B 70, 035112 (2004).Electronic Structure of binary and ternary components of CdTe:O thin films,
E. Menéndez-Proupin, G. Gutiérrez, E. Palmero, and J. L. Peña
phys. stat. sol. (c) 1, No. S1, S104-S107 (2004).Structure of liquid GeO2 from a computer simulation model,
G. Gutiérrez and J. Rogan,
Physical Review E 69, 031201 (2004)- Atomistic Simulation of densified amorphous alumina,
G. Gutiérrez
Rev. Mex. Fis., 48 S3, 60-62, (2002). Molecular dynamics study of the structural properties of amorphous Al2O3,
G. Gutiérrez and B. Johansson,
Physical Review B 65, 104202 (2002).Δ Theoretical structure determination of γ-alumina,
G. Gutiérrez, A. Taga and B. Johansson,
Physical Review B 65, 012101 (2001).
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.65.012101Δ Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Structure of Yttria (Y2O3) Phases, Using Pairwise Interactions,
A. B. Belonoshko, G. Gutiérrez, R. Ahuja and B. Johansson,
Physical Review B 64, 184103 (2001).Δ Comment on "Mystery of the Alkali Metals: Giant Moments of Fe and Co on and in Cs film" ,
P. Mohn, P. Weinberger, B. Ujfalussy, O. Eriksson, G. Gutiérrez, R. Ahuja y B. Johansson,
Physical Review Letters 85, No. 7, p.1583, August 2000.Structural properties of liquid Al2O3 a Molecular Dynamics study,
G. Gutiérrez, A. B. Belonoshko, R. Ahuja and B. Johansson,
Physical Review E 61, No. 3, p.2723-2729, March 2000.Shanonn entropy of normalized electron density
S. P Fazal, K. D. Sen, G. Gutiérrez and P Fuentealba,
Indian Journal of Chemistry 39:(1-3) 48-49, Jan-Mar 2000.Temperature Induced Disorder in beta-Zr,
G. Gutiérrez, M. Kiwi and R. Ramírez,
Rev. Mex. Fis., 44 S1, p.62-65, September 1998.Can an Ideal Gas Feel the Shape of its Container?,
G. Gutiérrez and J. Yáñez,
American Journal of Physics, Vol 65, No.8, p.739-744, August 1997.Amorphization in the vicinity of a grain boundary: A molecular-dynamics approach,
G. Gutiérrez, M. Kiwi and R. Ramírez,
Physical Review B 54, No.16, p.11701-11705, October 1996.Distribution of Rings and Intermediate Range Correlations in Silica Glass under Pressure-A Molecular Dynamics Study,
J. P. Rino, G. Gutiérrez, I. Ebbsjö, R. Kalia and P. Vashishta,
in Materials: Theory, Simulations and Parallel Algorithms, E. Kaxiras, J. Joannopoulos,\\ P. Vashishta and R. K. Kalia, Eds., Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Vol. 408, p.333-338, 1996.Gibbs' phase rule revisited,
G. Gutiérrez,
Teoreticheskaya i Matematicheskaya Fizika, Vol. 108, No. 3, p.465-468, Moscow, September 1996.
English version: Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Vol. 108, No.3, p.1222-1224, 1997.Antiferromagnetic Interaction between Two Easy-Plane Ferromagnetic Heisenberg Chains,
V. Díaz, G. Gutiérrez and R. Ferrer,
Physica Statu Solidi (b) 183, No.2, p.557-564, June 1994.
In Spanish |
Diseño de Materiales a la medida ¿sueño o realidad?,
G. Gutiérrez,
Revista Electrónica Charlas de Física, 17 , Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Tarapacá, Arica, (2003).- Chapter of the book "Hacia un Ordenamiento Ecológico-Administrativo del territorio. Sistemas de Información Territorial",
Chapter 1, La relación sociedad-naturaleza, with L. Lavanderos, H. Espinoza and E. Muñoz. Edited by Ministerio de Bienes Nacionales, Corporación Chile-Ambiente, P.U.C and U.C.V, Santiago de Chile, March 1994. - "Uso de mapas dinámicos para el estudio de dos cadenas de Heisenberg Acopladas",
V. Díaz, G. Gutiérrez and R. Ferrer,
Scientia, No. 167, Dic. 1992. - Equilibrio Químico,
G. Gutiérrez,
in Tópicos de Mecánica Estadística, Departamento de Física, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile, 1983. Seminar under supervision of Dr. Herbert Massmann.