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Felipe González Cataldo

Investigador Científico de Proyectos en el grupo de Burkhard Militzer
Department of Earth and Planetary Science
University of California, Berkeley
Estados Unidos

Ph.D. 2015 Universidad de Chile (Physics)
B.S. 2009 Universidad de Chile (Physics)


Department of Earth and Planetary Science
University of California, Berkeley, Estados Unidos
407 McCone Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720-4767

e-mail: f_gonzalez (at) berkeley (dot) edu

Acerca de mi

Planetary interiors / high pressure physics

Soy Científico Asistente de Proyectos en el Departamento de Ciencias Planetarias y de la Tierra (Earth and Planetary Science Department) de la University of California, Berkeley, trabajando en el grupo del profesor Burkhard Militzer. Obtuve my doctorado en física de la Universidad de Chile, Chile el año 2015. Estoy interesando en comprender la física de los interiores de planetas solares y extrasolares—en particular, el régimen de altas temperaturas y alta presión— a través del estudio de la materia a nivel atómico, en particular, usando dinámica molecular y cálculos de estructura electrónica basados en la teoría del funcional densidad (DFT). En este marco de trabajo, se pueden obtener ecuaciones de estado de materiales, incluso a presiones y temperaturas donde no hay datos experimentales disponibles, las cuales son fundamentales para construir modelos de la estructura y evolución de los planetas, lo que mejora nuestro entendimiento de los procesos que ocurren en los planetas solares y exoplanetas.

  1. Experimental Pathways for Detecting Double Superionicity in Planetary Ices.,
    Kyla de Villa, F. González-Cataldo and Burkhard Militzer.
    Contributions to Plasma Physics (submitted).
  1. Diamond under extremes.,
    Alex C. Li, Boya Li, F. González-Cataldo, Robert E. Rudd, Burkhard Militzer, Eduardo M. Bringa, Marc A. Meyers.
    Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports 161, 100857 (2024).
  1. Double superionicity in icy compounds at planetary interior conditions.,
    Kyla de Villa, F. González-Cataldo and Burkhard Militzer.
    Nature Communications 14, 7580 (2023). Supplementary material:
  2. Ab initio determination of iron melting at terapascal pressures and Super-Earths core crystallization.,
    F. González-Cataldo and Burkhard Militzer.
    Physical Review Research 5, 033194 (2023). (EOS tables: )
  3. Structural and Thermodynamic Properties of Magnesium-Rich Liquids at Ultrahigh Pressure,
    Felipe González-Cataldo and Burkhard Militzer.
    Minerals 13, 885 (2023).
  4. The Homogeneous Mixing of MgO and H2O at Extreme Conditions,
    Tanja Kovačević, Felipe González-Cataldo, and Burkhard Militzer.
    Contributions to Plasma Physics e202300017 (2023). (Cover Highlight)
  5. Miscibility of Rock and Ice in the Interiors of Water Worlds,
    Tanja Kovačević, Felipe González-Cataldo, Sarah T. Stewart, and Burkhard Militzer.
    Scientific Reports, 12, 13055 (2022).
  6. The phase diagrams of beryllium and magnesium oxide at megabar pressures,
    Jizhou Wu, Felipe González-Cataldo, François Soubiran, and Burkhard Militzer.
    J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 34, 144003 (2022).
  7. An exact solution for a particle in a velocity-dependent potential,
    Julio M. Yáñez, Gonzalo Gutiérrez, Felipe González-Cataldo, David Laroze.
    American Journal of Physics, 89, 1103 (2021).
  8. Model of Ramp Compression of Diamond from Ab Initio Simulations,
    F. González-Cataldo, B.K. Godwal, Kevin Driver, Raymond Jeanloz, and Burkhard Militzer.
    Physical Review B, 104, 134104 (2021). Available on the arXiv.
  9. High-pressure phase diagram of beryllium from ab initio free-energy calculations,
    Jizhou Wu, Felipe González-Cataldo, Burkhard Militzer.
    Physical Review B, 104, 014103 (2021). Available on the arXiv.
  10. First-Principles Equation of State Database for Warm Dense Matter Computation,
    Burkhard Militzer, Felipe González-Cataldo, Shuai Zhang, Kevin P. Driver, Francois Soubiran.
    Physical Review E, 103, 013203 (2021). Available on the arXiv.
  11. A model for defect formation in materials exposed to radiation,
    Sergio Davis, Felipe González-Cataldo, Gonzalo Gutiérrez, Gonzalo Avaria, Biswajit Bora, Jalaj Jain, José Moreno, Cristian Pavez, and Leopoldo Soto.
    Matter and Radiation at Extremes, 6, 015902 (2021).
  12. Nonideal mixing effects in warm dense matter studied with first-principles computer simulations,
    Burkhard Militzer, Felipe González-Cataldo, Shuai Zhang, Heather D. Whitley, Damian C. Swift, and Marius Millot.
    Journal of Chemical Physics, 153, 184101 (2020). Available on the arXiv.
  13. Thermal and Pressure Ionization in Warm, Dense MgSiO3 Studied with First-Principles Computer Simulations,
    F. González-Cataldo and Burkhard Militzer.
    AIP Conference Proceedings, 2272, 090001 (2020). Available on the arXiv.
  14. Equation of State of Hot, Dense Magnesium Derived with First-Principles Computer Simulations,
    Felipe González-Cataldo, François Soubiran, and Burkhard Militzer.
    Physics of Plasmas, 27, 092706 (2020). Available on the arXiv.
  15. Path Integral Monte Carlo and Density Functional Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Warm, Dense MgSiO3,
    F. González-Cataldo, François Soubiran, Henry Peterson and Burkhard Militzer.
    Physical Review B, 101, 024107 (2020). Available on the arXiv.
  16. Magnesium Oxide at Extreme Temperatures and Pressures Studied with First-Principles Simulations,
    François Soubiran, Felipe González-Cataldo, Kevin P. Driver, Shuai Zhang, and Burkhard Militzer.
    Journal of Chemical Physics, 151, 214104 (2019). Available on the arXiv.
  17. Normal Modes in Graphene for Different Geometries,
    Gabriel Cáceres, Felipe González-Cataldo and Gonzalo Gutiérrez.
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1043, 012041 (2018).
  18. Melting curve of Si by means of the Z-method,
    Felipe González-Cataldo, Fernando Corvacho and Gonzalo Gutiérrez.
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1043, 012038 (2018).
  19. Sliding down an arbitrary curve in the presence of friction,
    F. González-Cataldo, Gonzalo Gutiérrez and Julio Yáñez.
    American Journal of Physics 85, 108 (2017). Available on the arXiv.
    Supplementary Material
  20. Temperature estimators in computer simulation,
    César Jara, F. González-Cataldo, Sergio Davis and Gonzalo Gutiérrez.
    Journal of Physics: Conferences Series, 720, 012003 (2016).
  21. Z method calculations to determine the melting curve of silica at high pressures,
    F. González-Cataldo, Sergio Davis and Gonzalo Gutiérrez.
    Journal of Physics: Conferences Series, 720, 012032 (2016).
  22. Melting curve of SiO2 at multimegabar pressures: implications for gas giants and super-Earths,
    F. González-Cataldo, Sergio Davis and Gonzalo Gutiérrez.
    Scientific Reports, 6, 26537 (2016).
  23. Stability of iron crystal structures at 0.3–1.5 TPa,
    B. K. Godwal, F. González-Cataldo, A. K. Verma, L. Stixrude, and R. Jeanloz.
    Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 409, 299 (2015).
  24. Ab Initio Free Energy Calculations of the Solubility of Silica in Metallic Hydrogen,
    F. González-Cataldo, Hugh Wilson and B. Militzer.
    The Astrophysical Journal, 787, 79 (2014).
  25. Inelastic Collisions and Hypervelocity Impacts at Nanoscopic Level: A Molecular Dynamics Study,
    G. Gutiérrez, S. Davis, C. Loyola, J. Peralta, F. Gonzalez, Y. Navarrete and F. Gonzalez-Wasaff.
    Molecular Dynamics - Theoretical Developments and Applications in Nanotechnology and Energy, Chapter 12 (2012) ISBN: 978-953-51-0443-8.
  26. Las Palmeras Molecular Dynamics: A Flexible and Modular Molecular Dynamics Code,
    S. Davis, C. Loyola, F. González, J. Peralta,
    Computer Physics Communications, 181, 2126 – 2139, 2010.