

Personal Information
Name: Felipe Javier González Cataldo
e-mail: f_gonzalez [at] berkeley [dot] edu

2021-: Assistant Project Scientist at the Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of California, Berkeley, California, United States.
2016-2021: Postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of California, Berkeley, California, United States.
2009-2015: PhD in Physics, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
2004-2008: Bachelor of Sciences in Physics, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
1993-2003: High school at Instituto Chacabuco, Hermanos Maristas Congregation, Los Andes.

  1. Experimental Pathways for Detecting Double Superionicity in Planetary Ices.,
    Kyla de Villa, F. González-Cataldo and Burkhard Militzer.
    Contributions to Plasma Physics (submitted).
  1. Diamond under extremes.,
    Alex C. Li, Boya Li, F. González-Cataldo, Robert E. Rudd, Burkhard Militzer, Eduardo M. Bringa, Marc A. Meyers.
    Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports 161, 100857 (2024).
  1. Double superionicity in icy compounds at planetary interior conditions.,
    Kyla de Villa, F. González-Cataldo and Burkhard Militzer.
    Nature Communications 14, 7580 (2023). Supplementary material:
  2. Ab initio determination of iron melting at terapascal pressures and Super-Earths core crystallization.,
    F. González-Cataldo and Burkhard Militzer.
    Physical Review Research 5, 033194 (2023). (EOS tables: )
  3. Structural and Thermodynamic Properties of Magnesium-Rich Liquids at Ultrahigh Pressure,
    Felipe González-Cataldo and Burkhard Militzer.
    Minerals 13, 885 (2023).
  4. The Homogeneous Mixing of MgO and H2O at Extreme Conditions,
    Tanja Kovačević, Felipe González-Cataldo, and Burkhard Militzer.
    Contributions to Plasma Physics e202300017 (2023). (Cover Highlight)
  5. Miscibility of Rock and Ice in the Interiors of Water Worlds,
    Tanja Kovačević, Felipe González-Cataldo, Sarah T. Stewart, and Burkhard Militzer.
    Scientific Reports, 12, 13055 (2022).
  6. The phase diagrams of beryllium and magnesium oxide at megabar pressures,
    Jizhou Wu, Felipe González-Cataldo, François Soubiran, and Burkhard Militzer.
    J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 34, 144003 (2022).
  7. An exact solution for a particle in a velocity-dependent potential,
    Julio M. Yáñez, Gonzalo Gutiérrez, Felipe González-Cataldo, David Laroze.
    American Journal of Physics, 89, 1103 (2021).
  8. Model of Ramp Compression of Diamond from Ab Initio Simulations,
    F. González-Cataldo, B.K. Godwal, Kevin Driver, Raymond Jeanloz, and Burkhard Militzer.
    Physical Review B, 104, 134104 (2021). Available on the arXiv.
  9. High-pressure phase diagram of beryllium from ab initio free-energy calculations,
    Jizhou Wu, Felipe González-Cataldo, Burkhard Militzer.
    Physical Review B, 104, 014103 (2021). Available on the arXiv.
  10. First-Principles Equation of State Database for Warm Dense Matter Computation,
    Burkhard Militzer, Felipe González-Cataldo, Shuai Zhang, Kevin P. Driver, Francois Soubiran.
    Physical Review E, 103, 013203 (2021). Available on the arXiv.
  11. A model for defect formation in materials exposed to radiation,
    Sergio Davis, Felipe González-Cataldo, Gonzalo Gutiérrez, Gonzalo Avaria, Biswajit Bora, Jalaj Jain, José Moreno, Cristian Pavez, and Leopoldo Soto.
    Matter and Radiation at Extremes, 6, 015902 (2021).
  12. Nonideal mixing effects in warm dense matter studied with first-principles computer simulations,
    Burkhard Militzer, Felipe González-Cataldo, Shuai Zhang, Heather D. Whitley, Damian C. Swift, and Marius Millot.
    Journal of Chemical Physics, 153, 184101 (2020). Available on the arXiv.
  13. Thermal and Pressure Ionization in Warm, Dense MgSiO3 Studied with First-Principles Computer Simulations,
    Felipe González-Cataldo and Burkhard Militzer.
    AIP Conference Proceedings, 2272, 090001 (2020). Available on the arXiv.
  14. Equation of State of Hot, Dense Magnesium Derived with First-Principles Computer Simulations,
    Felipe González-Cataldo, François Soubiran, and Burkhard Militzer.
    Physics of Plasmas, 27, 092706 (2020). Available on the arXiv.
  15. Path Integral Monte Carlo and Density Functional Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Warm, Dense MgSiO3,
    Felipe González-Cataldo, François Soubiran, Henry Peterson and Burkhard Militzer.
    Physical Review B, 101, 024107 (2020). Available on the arXiv.
  16. Magnesium Oxide at Extreme Temperatures and Pressures Studied with First-Principles Simulations,
    François Soubiran, Felipe González-Cataldo, Kevin P. Driver, Shuai Zhang, and Burkhard Militzer.
    Journal of Chemical Physics, 151, 214104 (2019). Available on the arXiv.
  17. Normal Modes in Graphene for Different Geometries,
    Gabriel Cáceres, Felipe González-Cataldo and Gonzalo Gutiérrez.
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1043, 012041 (2018).
  18. Melting curve of Si by means of the Z-method,
    Felipe González-Cataldo, Fernando Corvacho and Gonzalo Gutiérrez.
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1043, 012038 (2018).
  19. Sliding down an arbitrary curve in the presence of friction,
    F. González-Cataldo, Gonzalo Gutiérrez and Julio Yáñez.
    American Journal of Physics 85, 108 (2017). Available on the arXiv.
    Supplementary Material
  20. Temperature estimators in computer simulation,
    César Jara, F. González-Cataldo, Sergio Davis and Gonzalo Gutiérrez.
    Journal of Physics: Conferences Series, 720, 012003 (2016).
  21. Z method calculations to determine the melting curve of silica at high pressures,
    F. González-Cataldo, Sergio Davis and Gonzalo Gutiérrez.
    Journal of Physics: Conferences Series, 720, 012032 (2016).
  22. Melting curve of SiO2 at multimegabar pressures: implications for gas giants and super-Earths,
    F. González-Cataldo, Sergio Davis and Gonzalo Gutiérrez.
    Scientific Reports, 6, 26537 (2016).
  23. Stability of iron crystal structures at 0.3–1.5 TPa,
    B. K. Godwal, F. González-Cataldo, A. K. Verma, L. Stixrude, and R. Jeanloz.
    Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 409, 299 (2015).
  24. Ab Initio Free Energy Calculations of the Solubility of Silica in Metallic Hydrogen,
    F. González-Cataldo, Hugh Wilson and B. Militzer.
    The Astrophysical Journal, 787, 79 (2014).
  25. Inelastic Collisions and Hypervelocity Impacts at Nanoscopic Level: A Molecular Dynamics Study,
    G. Gutiérrez, S. Davis, C. Loyola, J. Peralta, F. Gonzalez, Y. Navarrete and F. Gonzalez-Wasaff.
    Molecular Dynamics - Theoretical Developments and Applications in Nanotechnology and Energy, Chapter 12 (2012) ISBN: 978-953-51-0443-8.
  26. Las Palmeras Molecular Dynamics: A Flexible and Modular Molecular Dynamics Code,
    S. Davis, C. Loyola, F. González, J. Peralta,
    Computer Physics Communications, 181, 2126 – 2139, 2010.

  1. IGPP Seminar UCSD 2024 (Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Science, Scripps Institute of Oceanography of the University of California, San Diego)
    University of California, San Diego, California, United States. November 6, 2024
    • A dive into planetary interiors: insights from matter at extreme conditions. (invited speaker)
  2. CMAP Seminar 2024 (Center for Matter at Atomic Pressures)
    University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, United States. October 25, 2024
    • Crystallizing cores of Super Earths and other planetary phenomena unraveled by first principles simulations. (invited speaker)
  3. Gordon Conference High Pressure (GRC 2024)
    Holderness School, New Hampshire, United States. July 14 - 19, 2024
    • Super-Earths core crystallization: a first principles study of the melting curve of iron at high pressures.
  4. Center for Matter at Extreme Conditions Review Meeting (CMEC-CSAC 2024)
    University of California, San Diego, San Diego, United States. July 9 - 10 & Sept. 25-26, 2024
    • Iron and Iron Alloys at Extreme Conditions via First Principles and Machine Learning Simulations.
  5. Chile Seminars 2024: Chileans in the Bay Area
    Berkeley, California, United States. March 15, 2024
    • We found new things inside ice-planets using quantum physics. (invited speaker)
  6. AGU Fall Meeting 2023
    San Francisco, California, United States. December 2023
  7. Department of Physics Seminars, University Andres Bello (UNAB)
    Santiago, Chile. December 6, 2023
    • A Song of Ice and Rock: new materials at the interior of exoplanets (invited speaker)
  8. Seminar at Santa Cecilia Elementary School
    Santiago, Chile, November 13, 2023
    • Exploring planetary interiors from their atoms: New materials at extreme conditions (invited speaker)
  9. Seminar at Pedro Aguirre Cerda Cultural Center
    Calle Larga, Chile, November 3, 2023
    • Exploring planetary interiors from their atoms: New materials at extreme conditions (invited speaker)
  10. Invited talk, Dept. of Physics, Universidad de Chile
    Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, Ñuñoa, Santiago, Chile. September 20, 2023
    • Song of Ice and Rock. (invited speaker)
  11. CMEC Review Meeting 2023
    San Diego, California, United States. August 22, 2023
    • Model of Ramp Compression of Diamond from ab initio Simulations... and other projects
  12. 23rd Biennial Conference of the APS Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter (SHOCK23)
    Chicago, Illinois, United States. June 2023
    • Melting and Shock Hugoniot states of beryllium, iron, and silicate materials from first principles simulations. (invited speaker).
  13. Invited talk, IGPP, UC Santa Cruz
    Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics (IGPP), Santa Cruz, California, United States. April 7, 2023
  14. Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, California State University, Sacramento (CSUS)
    California State University, Sacramento, California, United States. February 9, 2023.
    • Quantum Simulations at Extreme Conditions: from Planetary Interiors to Dense Plasmas. (invited speaker)
  15. AGU Fall Meeting 2022
    Chicago, Illinois, United States. December 2022
  16. HEDS Seminar Series, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
    Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore, California, United States. December 1, 2022.
    • Quantum simulations at extreme conditions: warm dense matter and planetary interiors. (invited speaker)
  17. Open Science, Explora Program
    San Benildo School, Santiago, Chile. October 12, 2022.
    • Materials at extreme conditions: a window to the interior of planets. (invited speaker)
  18. Caminos de la Ciencia, Science at Cal (UC Berkeley)
    Oakland Public Library: César E. Chávez Branch, Oakland, California, United States. September 27, 2022.
    (Facebook / Twitter / Instagram)
  19. 22nd Biennial Conference of the APS Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter (SHOCK22)
    Anaheim, California, United States. July 2022
  20. 2022 CMEC Review Meeting
    University of California, San Diego, California, United States. May 2022
    • Model of Ramp Compression of Diamond from Ab Initio Simulations.
  21. APS March Meeting 2022
    Chicago, Illinois, United States. March 2022
  22. AGU Fall Meeting 2021
    New Orleans / Online meeting, United States. December 2021
  23. Center for Matter at Atomic Pressure (CMAP) talk
    University of Rochester, United States. November 19, 2021 (invited speaker)
    • Ramp compression from ab initio simulations .
  24. Livermore Dynamic Materials Joint Group Meeting
    Online meeting, United States. November 2, 2021. (invited speaker)
    • Ramp compression from ab initio simulations .
  25. GSCCM Early Career Symposium
    Online meeting, United States. August 3-4, 2021
  26. High Energy Density Science Summer School
    Online meeting, United States. August 2-6, 2021
  27. Invited talk, TVU, Chile
    TVU, Concepción, Chile. July 15 2021.
  28. Invited talk: Institute of Materials Science (ICMUV), Universidad de Valencia, Spain
    EFIMAT Seminar Series, Institute of Materials Science (ICMUV), Universidad de Valencia, Spain. July 15, 2021
    • Planetary Interiors: Novel Physics and Chemistry at Extreme Pressures. (invited speaker)
  29. Fragmentos de Okazaki (Podcast)
    Apple / Spotify Podcast, Costa Rica, June 3 2021. (invited speaker)
  30. The Compass Lectures (Invited talk)
    The Compass Lectures, University of California, Berkeley. April 30, 2021
  31. APS March Meeting 2021
    Online meeting, United States. March 2021
  32. AGU Fall Meeting 2020
    Online meeting, United States. December 2020
  33. XXII Simposio SOCHIFI 2020
    Online meeting, Chile. November 2020
  34. Invited talk, HEUMA, Chile
    Consorcio de Facultades de Ingeniería de la Región de Antofagasta HEUMA, Antofagasta, Chile. August 21, 2020
  35. APS March Meeting 2020
    Conference Center, Denver, Colorado, United States. March 2020
  36. Invited talk, IGPP, UC Santa Cruz
    Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, Santa Cruz, California, United States. February 21, 2020
  37. Invited talk, Dept. of Physics, Universidad de Chile
    Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, Ñuñoa, Santiago, Chile. December 18, 2019
    • Using atomic physics to model exoplanets: Planetary Interiors and Formation. (invited speaker)
  38. Invited talk, BSL, University of California, Berkeley
    Berkeley Seismology Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, California, United States. April 9, 2019
  39. AGU Fall Meeting 2019
    The Moscone Center, San Francisco, CA, United States. December 2019
    • Thermodynamics of Liquid MgSiO3 at High Pressure and Temperature .
  40. APS Shock Compression of Condensed Matter 2019
    Hilton Portland Downtown Hotel, Portland, OR, United States. June 2019
  41. APS March Meeting 2019
    Boston Convention Center, Boston, MA, United States. March 2019
    • Equation of State Calculations With First-Principles Computer Simulations of Matter at Extreme Conditions.
  42. AGU Fall Meeting 2018
    Washington Convention Center, Washington DC, United States. December 2018
    • Core Crystallization of Super-Earths.
  43. CIPS Workshop: The Dusty Building-blocks of Planet Formation
    Space Sciences Laboratory (SSL), University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, California, United States. April 2018
    • Using the Compositions of Exoplanets to Inform Planet Formation.
  44. APS March Meeting 2018
    Convention Center, Los Angeles, California, United States. March 2018
    • First-principles study of the melting curve of iron.
  45. VII Workshop on Novel Methods for Electronic Structure Calculations
    Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile. November, 2017.
    • The State of Iron at the Interior of Giant Planets.
  46. XX Simposio Chileno de Física
    Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana, Santiago, Chile. December 2016
    • Modos Normales en Grafeno para Distintas Geometrías.
    • Curva de fusión del silicio: simulaciones de dinámica molecular clásica.
  47. Workshop on Advanced Physical Chemistry Processing (invited speaker)
    Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga, Colombia. April 2016
  48. VI Workshop on Novel Methods for Electronic Structure Calculations
    Universidad de La Plata, La Plata, Argentina. November 2015
    • Ab Initio Free Energy Calculations of the Solubility of Silica in Metallic Hydrogen.
  49. 3rd International Conference on Materials Science (ICMS)
    Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile. October 2015
    • Melting Curve of SiO2: implications for gas giants and super-Earths.
  50. Invited talk, Dept. of Physics, Universidad de Chile
    Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, Ñuñoa, Santiago, Chile. August 19, 2015
    • Where is the departure point of a block sliding on a curved surface?. (invited speaker)
  51. AGU Fall Meeting
    Moscone Center, San Francisco, USA. December 2014.
    • Simulating Ramp Compression of Diamond.
  52. 2014 Symposium on Molecular Dynamics for Engineering and Science
    Universidad Católica, Santiago, Chile. December 2014.
    • Ab Initio Free Energy Calculations of the Solubility of Silica in Metallic Hydrogen
  53. XIX Simposio Chileno de Física
    Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile. 26-28 November de 2014.
    • Curva de fusión del SiO2: implicancias para los gigantes gaseosos y super-Tierras.
    • Inestabilidad mecánica del hierro BCC en condiciones del núcleo interno de la Tierra.
    • Estimadores de temperatura: estudio a nivel atómico
  54. XVIII Simposio Chileno de Física
    Hotel Club La Serena, La Serena, Chile. 21-23 November de 2012.
    • Solubilidad del Núcleo rocoso de Júpiter y Exoplanetas Gigantes
  55. Invited talk, Dept. of Physics, Universidad de Chile
    Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, Ñuñoa, Santiago, Chile. July 11, 2012
    • Solubility of the rocky core of Jupiter and giant exoplanets. (invited speaker)
  56. XVII Simposio Chileno de Física
    Gran Hotel Pucón, Pucón, Chile.
    • Rebote de una esfera sobre una superficie: estudio a nivel atómico (Poster)
    • Visualización 3D en tiempo real para Dinámica Molecular Clásica: LPMD y LPVISUAL (Poster)
  57. Escuela de Simulación Computacional de Dinámica Molecular
    Grupo de Nanomateriales, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile. 4-8 January, 2010.
  58. 11th International Conference on Advanced Materials, VIII Encontro SBPMat
    Winsor Barra Hotel, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
    ICAM 2009 (International Conference on Advanced Materials).
    20-25 September de 2009.
  59. Congreso Nacional de Nanotecnología
    Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile.
    24-26 May de 2009
  60. Nano-Taller de Python
    Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
    12-13 de January de 2009.
  61. XVI Simposio Chileno de Física
    Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso, Chile.
    12-14 November 2008.
    Presentación Poster
  62. Fourth Latin-American SCAT Workshop
    SCAT (Scientific Computing Advanced Training)
    Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
    September 29 to October 3, 2008.
  63. Congreso Internacional de Aficionados a la Astronomía (SAVAL)
    Universidad de Valparaíso, Valparaíso, Chile.
    4-8 October de 2006.


ResearcherPostdoctoral Researcher at CMECCenter for Matter at Extreme Conditions (CMEC)2019-Present
ProfessorMathematics MAT-021
Students: 60
Department of Mathematics, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa MaríaMarch to July, 2016
ProfessorSimulations Laboratory 1
Students: 11
Department of Physical Sciences, Andrés Bello UniversityJuly to December, 2015
ResearcherStudy of the damage by radiation on tungstenThermonuclear Plasmas Department, Chilean Comission of Nuclear Energy (CCHEN)February to July, 2015
Teaching Assistant: Mechanics IIProfessor in charge: Gonzalo Gutiérrez, Ph.D. in Physics
Students: 60
Physics Department, Faculty of Sciences, University of ChileMarch to July, 2015
Teaching Assistant: Modern Physics IProfessor in charge: Mario Molina, Ph.D. in Physics
Students: 11
Physics Department, Faculty of Sciences, University of ChileMarch to July, 2015
Teaching Assistant: Modern Physics IIProfessor in charge: Mario Molina, Ph.D. in Physics
Students: 11
Physics Department, Faculty of Sciences, University of ChileMarch to July, 2015
ProfessorSimulations Laboratory 1
Students: 11
Department of Physical Sciences, Andrés Bello UniversityJuly to December, 2014
Teaching Assistant: Modern PhysicsProfessor in charge: Mario Molina, Ph.D. in Physics
Students: 11
Physics Department, Faculty of Sciences, University of ChileMarch to July, 2014
Teaching Assistant: Quantum MechanicsProfessor in charge: Miguel Kiwi, Ph.D. in Physics and Exact Sciences National Award
Students: 20
Physics Department, Faculty of Sciences, University of ChileMarch to July de 2013
ProfessorSimulations Laboratory 1
Students: 2
Department of Physical Sciences, Andrés Bello UniversityJuly to December, 2011
Teaching Assistant: Quantum MechanicsProfessor in charge: Gonzalo Gutiérrez, Ph.D. in Physics
Students: 22
Physics Department, Faculty of Sciences, University of ChileMarch to July, 2011
Teaching Assistant: Statistical MechanicsProfessor in charge: David Gottlieb, Ph.D. in Physics
Students: 26
Physics Department, Faculty of Sciences, University of ChileJuly to December, 2010
Teaching Assistant: Modern PhysicsProfessor in charge: Mario Molina, Ph.D. in Physics
Students: 17
Physics Department, Faculty of Sciences, University of ChileMarch to July, 2011
Teaching Assistant: Mechanics IIProfessor in charge: Gonzalo Gutiérrez, Ph.D. in Physics
Students: 66
Physics Department, Faculty of Sciences, University of ChileJuly to December, 2009
Teaching Assistant: Mechanics IProfessor in charge: Gonzalo Gutiérrez, Ph.D. in Physics
Students: 66
Physics Department, Faculty of Sciences, University of ChileMarch to July, 2009
ProgrammerOne of the developers of the Molecular Dynamics Code, LPMD
Active researcher at the Group of Nano-Materiales: properties of materials
Physics Department, Faculty of Sciences, University of ChileSince September 2008
Teaching Assistant: Mechanics IIProfessor in charge: Víctor Muñoz, Ph.D. in Physics
Students: 43
Physics Department, Faculty of Sciences, University of ChileJuly to December, 2008
Teaching Assistant: ElectromagnetismProfessor in charge: David Gottlieb, Ph.D. in Physics
Students: 22
Physics Department, Faculty of Sciences, University of ChileMarch to July, 2008
Teaching Assistant: ThermodynamicsProfessor in charge: Rodrigo Ferrer, Ph.D. in Physics
Students: 31
Physics Department, Faculty of Sciences, University of ChileJuly to December, 2007
Teaching Assistant: Mathematics and PhysicsProfessor in charge: Pamela Mena, M.Sc. in Physics
Students: 70
Medicine Faculty, Universidad del DesarrolloApril to July, 2007


C++, Python, Bash, OpenGL, LaTeX, HTML VASP, LAMMPS, LPMD.


Spanish: Native
Inglés: High
Portuguese: Intermediate
Russian: Basic