
Wiki Farm Step By Step



Can you give me a step by step instruction on how to set up PmWiki as a WikiFarm from scratch?




  • Install the latest version of PmWiki:

cd TOP_DIR tar xvfz pmwiki-latest.tgz chmod 2777 pmwiki-latest # point browser to home page, and then... chmod 755 pmwiki-latest ln -sf pmwiki.php index.php

  • 最新のPmWikiをインストール:

cd TOP_DIR tar xvfz pmwiki-latest.tgz chmod 2777 pmwiki-latest # point browser to home page, and then... chmod 755 pmwiki-latest ln -sf pmwiki.php index.php

  • TOP_DIR/pmwiki-latest/local/farmconfig.phpを次の内容で作る:

<?php $FarmPubDirUrl = 'http://hostname/wiki/pub'; $WikiTitle = 'My Farm'; ?>

  • Fieldの内容を作る:

cd pmwiki-latest mkdir fields cd fields mkdir field.template cd field.template/ ln -sf ../../cookbook . ln -sf ../../scripts . mkdir local mkdir wiki.d mkdir uploads chmod g+ws uploads wiki.d chown apache:root uploads wiki.d

  • fields/field.template/field.phpを次の内容で作る:

<?php include('../../pmwiki.php'); ?>

  • fields/field.template/local/config.phpを次の内容で作る:

<?php $WikiTitle = 'My Field'; ?>

  • field.phpにインデックスリンクを作成する:

ln -sf field.php index.php

  • ブラウザで新しいWikiFarmのFieldを指し示し、追加フィールドのセットアップを実行することでテンプレートを新しいフィールドとできる

cp -frp field.template newfield



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Comments and Feedback

  • Please place your comments and feedback as bullet items in this section.
  • Question: Why is it recommended to use "field.php" (which contains the include to point to pmwiki.php) and then create a symlink to point index.php to field.php?? Is that not an unecessary step? Why not just called the file containing the include index.php (instead of field.php) and be done with it? I can't see a reason for using a symlink when it could be done directly, but maybe I'm missing something? -- ~Peter M.
    • Answer: Peter, out of habit, I reserved index.php to be a symbolic link that can be changed quickly to point to something else. If you have no need for this, it would be just fine to simply call field.php index.php like you suggested. -- Julian I. Kamil?

Category: WikiFarms



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